
Join Form

50 People (&More) Who Care is a group of individuals wishing to assist local businesses survive and grow by providing cash grants. Each member has committed to the following:

  • That I wish to “help” Cumberland and surrounding community businesses in time of need.
  • That I will actively vote for each quarter’s list of grant requests and that I will actively vote for my choice of the “best” of the three chosen to present.
  • That I will contribute not less than $100 per quarter and accept the fact that the majority of the membership shall determine who the recipient will be.
  • That I will seek other people of the community to become members of 50 People (& More) Who Care.

Join Form
First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Phone *
Address *
City *
State *
Zip *
I agree to the four rules and wish to join 50 People (&more) Who Care.