
About Us

If you are a business located in Cumberland (or surrounding area), you are are invited to apply for a grant from 50 People (& More) Who Care. The intent of the grant is to help businesses survive and grow while dealing with the challenges of both the general and local business environment. Additionally, it may be used to help establish a new business.

Each quarter, three grant requests will be selected by the members from those submitted for the quarter. The three finalists will be invited to present the reasons why their business should be awarded the grant. After the presentations, a simple majority of votes cast will determine the recipient of the grant.

The awarded grant will be immediate and will allow an infusion of cash into your business. The amount will be based on the number of members of 50 People (& More) Who Care.

You may apply for a grant every quarter except the quarter immediately following your selection as a finalist (whether awarded a grant or not). This rule, by vote of the board in October of 2020, has been suspended until 2022, at which time it will again become effective.



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[email protected]